When you’ve made the choice to go with the juiciest, most flavorful beef, selecting just
the right spice can be the perfect finishing touch. Get to know the flavor profiles and nuances of the spices and rubs you use and look forward to new and exciting mealtime experiences every time.
Kosher Salt
We recommend kosher salt rather than table salt for beef rubs, due to its wider, coarser grains, and ability to enhance flavors rather than make foods taste salty. Kosher salt also contains no iodine, which can lead to a bitter mouthfeel.
Black Pepper
Black pepper’s complex flavor profile is known for a adding its piney, citrusy notes. The piperine compounds in the peppercorn’s skin offer a little bit of a heat, too – although much milder than other peppers that get their heat from capsaicin.
Brown Sugar
A natural tenderizer, brown sugar makes a fantastic base for rubs on tougher pieces of beef. The sweet flavor profile pairs well with a good salt and spice and can be combined with equal parts paprika for a mouth-watering experience.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne on its own doesn’t provide much of a smoky or earthy flavor profile. With subtle fruity flavors, its heat pairs nicely with other spices like paprika, cumin or cinnamon. Try it in your favorite fall chili or winter stew!
Often described as peppery and slightly bitter, parsley is more than just a garnish. Chefs use it to neutralize stronger, competing flavors and bring a unique taste to savory dishes. Add fresh parsley near the end of cooking to retain flavor and allow dried parsley time to marinade and mellow.
The high acidity and ability to cleanse the mouth make coffee grounds a great choice for rubs on almost any cut of beef – especially fattier ones. Coffee rub also acts as a tenderizer, making the beef softer and enhancing the bite by creating an outside crust.
A member of the onion family, garlic is commonly known for its intense, pungent flavor, which can be spicy when raw and earthy when cooked. When dried and crushed into garlic powder, sulfur compounds are lost, adding a slightly sweet and complex flavor to dishes.
Popular in Mediterranean-inspired beef dishes, oregano provides a strong, earthy taste that pairs nicely with rich beef flavors. It’s known for savory flavor notes which compliment fattier beef cuts. Oregano loses its flavor when cooked, so add it late in the cooking process.
With its vivid red color and fruity and smoky taste, paprika is as exciting to see on the dish as it is to taste. Paprika can range in spiciness and brings a little extra kick to any beef dish!
Known for its lemony notes, thyme is used to balance out strong beefy flavors with a refreshing, light taste. It brings a little zest to beef, especially in summer dishes.
Cumin has a complex flavor profile, described as being slightly sweet, warm, rich, and hearty. It pairs nicely with spicy flavors, balancing out the heat with an earthier, savory tone.
Dill Seed
When paired correctly, dill provides a fresh, citrus-like taste that borders on sweet. For that reason, it performs well with acidic ingredients like lemon or garlic, and can transform beef dishes into light, refreshing plates.
Known for flavors such as mint, eucalyptus and lemon, sage has a pronounced herbal flavor that complements fattier beef cuts. When paired with sweet or acidic flavors, it creates a unique and exciting flavor profile. Use with lemon, garlic, or brown sugar for best results.